toby mcCosker - Using the Services of Real Estate Advisors

Most investors understand that the housing market goes in cycles. There are times when the market is doing great, and prices keep going up and up. Conversely, there are other times when the market is in a slump and the prices are depressed-that's where we are right now. And while many people see the down market as a bad thing, with the help of toby mcCosker advisors a number of people can learn to try and capitalize on multifamily real estate investments when the market is down. With their help, you can profit even more when the market makes its way back up.

There is More to Real Estate Investing Than You Might Think

Investing in RE is more than just buying a house that is undervalued. Sure an undervalued home can be a good investment, but it sets the individual up for quite a bit of risk. Instead, a better way to make a real estate investment during a down market is to purchase multi-family units. Apartment buildings provide numerous streams of income from one property. That said, there are a number of benefits to multi-family properties.

The Many Advantages of Multifamily Investing

The biggest advantage to purchasing a building with multiple units is that there will almost never be a time when all the units are empty. This means that even in the event that a tenant decides to move out, you will still have revenue coming in from other tenants to help pay for the mortgage on the building. Of course, there is no guarantee that the units will always be filled, but it is less risky that investing in a single unit building. The law of averages works in your favor.

Now you might be thinking that with a property that has multiple units, there are also many more things that can go wrong. Along with more units come more upkeep and maintenance issues. But this problem can be solved by hiring a handyman service. By leasing a unit to a handy-man and not charging any rent, the building will stay well maintained, and you can avoid the cost out of pocket costs.

What about the Fact that Multifamily Real Estate is More Expensive?

toby mcCosker says some might say that the downside to purchasing a multi-unit property is the price tag can be a bit higher than on a smaller single family residence. While this can be a detriment to those who are having trouble getting a loan, it is not always as big a deal as you might think. Many lenders will count signed leases as income, allowing the person purchasing the building to qualify for a much larger loan. You can also go in with other investors on a multifamily property, cutting down on the size of your initial investment.

Decrease Risk by Hiring Real Estate Investment Advisors

It's true that there are no guarantees with any investment. But there are ways to lessen the risk when investing in RE. Having a little business sense, and hiring the right real estate advisors will help a person learn how to mitigate risks and how to properly purchase, manage, and profit from multi-family properties.


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